The Observer, a wise 62-year-old woman,
This social worker had a front row
Seat, said that each phase of life has a season.
Friendship may be like the tides, with their ebb and flow.
As each person evolves, so too does each person’s
Needs and interests.
A Spark of wonder may ignite a friendship,
But how long is its season?
Childhood, teen years, college, then career. . .
Each season is different.
Or, as the ocean subsides, the friendship may wane
As the relationship changes.
Is the Spark gone or lying dormant
In the leaves of the season?
---Doris Chapman Wyatt
Very thought provoking work!!
True friends can be apart for weeks, months or years, and pick up as if they spoke yesterday!
Lovely writing. I believe people come into one"s lives for a purpose. Sometimes that bond lasts a lifetime, others mutually drift apart. But each leaves us with either cherished memories or lessons that we needed to learn.
I'd like to think that The Spark lies dormant, waiting to be rekindled and will one day reignite the friendship from which it was created.