As the year draws to a close, I have several thoughts and observations on how things have gone, from both a personal slant as well as a generalized one.
True, there were some health issues for moi, but because of the great strides in technology today, things were easily corrected with a minimal of invasion. As for my mobility issue, the rollator is now used as a convenient means of moving small items about in my apartment and only occasionally to assist me in walking on specific outings when I know I will be on my feet for a prolonged period of time. I do carry a cane, although I think it’s more for affect than effect. (Think the Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey and her formidable stature as she waved her cane!) In fact, countless times, the wait staff is chasing after me as I have left my cane against a wall when leaving the dining room.
Remember those four quaint goals I talked about back in January? Happily I attained the first one and got to revisit Boston with all expectations exceeded. Goal number two re increased hydration fell short big time! And that silly one about losing five pounds? Well, surprise, that didn’t happen either. Sad to say, the scale shows a gain of two. Do you think that could be due to the family size Dove dark chocolates with ground almonds that seem to show up every month in my instacart deliveries? Which leads to goal four, relating to will power and chocolate. All I succeeded in doing was to replace the gelato with the above mentioned Doves. But, I’ve always been an optimist, so hope springs eternal that I’ll succeed better in 2024!
The US Postal service did not improve any, even though rates increased frequently. A package recently mailed to me from upstate NY, travelled thru’ three states, then arrived in Anchorage, Alaska before finally reaching me in Va. You can’t make that kind of thing up! Would any one like to wager how often rates will increase in the new year? My guess is three times, but I doubt that it will improve efficiency.
The insurance companies hold increasing power over the expertise of physicians, evidenced when permission had to be received from Medicare before a prescribed infusion, that would best meet my needs, was given. One of my daughters was denied coverage by her insurance company of one of two particular skin creams ordered for a skin cancer, even though their combined use are “best practice” when administered together. It is certainly frustrating for both patient and physician these days.
It’s still Circus Time in DC, regardless of which political party one supports, as each major party has their share of questionable and colorful characters in the House and Senate. Barnum and Bailey weren’t as entertaining as watching our current Congress in such disarray. (And I am purposely avoiding the Presidential candidates!)
Overall, students of history will see too many parallels happening throughout the mid east and China Sea today that were all too familiar prior to the outbreaks of WW1 and 2. Let us hope common sense will rise up and prevent another international war.
Speaking of common sense, I personally think it must have been an unpublished side effect of Covid isolation that has caused so many “crazies”. The eighty-five year old man who stabbed his wife who insisted he eat the pancakes she made for him? The man who kept ramming another car until it tipped over because he didn’t like the way the man was driving? The headlines are filled with these kind of stories and yes, I probably could be included as one of the “crazies” for reading these stories! “Bad news sells” and makes the headlines. AI is getting more sophisticated daily and taking over jobs, technology is developing at warp speed. We now have access to everything, everywhere! I know I cannot keep up with it all. Heck, I’ve just mastered doing things that are rapidly being considered as obsolete!
Those of us of a certain age like to reminisce and may sound skeptical of the future. Our lives have been consumed with nothing but adapting to changes and the younger people reading this will eventually see that happen to them!…Cheers to all. Life is good!
Marty, as usual, I have enjoyed your comprehensive, articulate musings...this time covering the 2023 landscape. You have accurately described the political scene and the other domains that have been prominent in 2023. As you relate, you have had some personal bumps as well as the national upheavals we have all endured. So we need to pursue a smoother path for 2024. Cheers.